
2023年4月18日—GalacticCivilizationsIII4.53Update(LIVE)***FixesTypofixesFixedsomeinvalidprereqsonsomeoftheMegaEvents.,CuratedpatchnotesforGalacticCivilizationsIIIonSteam.Updatesandchangelogs.,Abugfixupdateisnowavailableasanopt-inpatchforGalacticCivilizationsIII.Thisupdatefixesanumberofcrashes,tweaksthebattleviewer, ...,GalacticCivilizationsIIIv4.5UpdateImprovesAI,EarlyGame,DiplomaticTrades,andM...

Galactic Civilizations III 4.53 update (LIVE)

2023年4月18日 — Galactic Civilizations III 4.53 Update (LIVE) *** Fixes Typo fixes Fixed some invalid prereqs on some of the MegaEvents.

Galactic Civilizations III (App 226860) · Patches and Updates

Curated patch notes for Galactic Civilizations III on Steam. Updates and changelogs.

Galactic Civilizations III - Opt

A bugfix update is now available as an opt-in patch for Galactic Civilizations III. This update fixes a number of crashes, tweaks the battle viewer, ...


Galactic Civilizations III v4.5 Update Improves AI, Early Game, Diplomatic Trades, and More Full changelog here v4.5 makes some updates that help get ...

Updates - Galactic Civilizations

2024年1月5日 — Each new update adds value to the game through new features, bug fixes, and more. A complete list of all of the updates and links to their patch ...

Galactic Civilizations III

The largest strategy sandbox ever awaits. Game Features. Rule through culture, diplomacy, technology, or military force; Discover each race's unique

v2.3 War & Peace Update Now ...

2024年1月18日 — Stardock released another big update for its popular space 4X strategy game today. Galactic Civilizations IV v2.3, dubbed the War & Peace” ...

Galactic Civilizations III v4.52 Fixes Issues and Updates ...

Article posted on 3/7/2023 · Typo fixes · Fixed a hang going into the diplomacy screen · Crusade: Fixed the Promethion cost on the Industrial ...